Please come out on October 10th and join our Local McDonalds in supporting sports programs at Houlton Middle/High School! The flyer with details is attached.

HES PTO is doing its Charleston Wrap fundraiser again this year! If you are interested in supporting the HES PTO, please see the attached letter about the fundraiser!

Welcome to August, we are excited to countdown to our opening day and see all of our students on August 27th. Our schools will be posting more information in the upcoming weeks to get our year started. Enjoy the rest of your summer as RSU 29 continues to get ready for the first day of school!

Registration forms may now be submitted to RSU 29 for the Upcoming School Year for all new PK and K students who will be attending RSU 29 this fall. If your child is enrolled in PK this year at Houlton Elementary and are enrolling in grade K next year, it is not necessary to complete this form. To enroll your student must be age 4 before 10/15/2024. Go to the link below to register your new student: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLScykZLhUPhuELKG9cjfFnhCHpHyxLqNkQvF66rRrR_KxoQCgw/viewform?usp=pp_url

Dear Parents and Guardians,
The Technology Department kindly asks that you complete the appropriate Online Acceptable Use Policy (AUP) form for your student(s). These forms help ensure responsible technology use by our students.
Please click the corresponding link below to complete the AUP form that applies to your student's grade level:
Grades PreK through 7 AUP: https://forms.gle/j2jCLo7YrK7jiDS59
Grades 8 through 12 AUP: https://forms.gle/rj9CbWbWwdfSngERA
Completing the AUP form ensures a smooth transition for your student(s) to access school technology next year. We appreciate your cooperation in ensuring a safe and responsible online learning environment.
Thank you,
RSU 29 Technolgy Department

Just a reminder for all parents and students to download the RSU 29 app! On the app you can view upcoming school events in the district, any news updates, and even see what is on the lunch menu for the day. It is a great tool to stay up to date on what is going on in our school!

All RSU 29 schoolS will be doing an early dismissal today, Thursday, April 4th following the normal early dismissal pick up times by buses and parents. School will be dismissed by 11:30 a.m. AND ALL PK CLASSES WILL BE DISMISSED AT 10:15 A.M. There will be no after school activities.

The Band O Rama that was scheduled for April 2nd has been rescheduled for May 2nd. Thank you!

Attention PreK and Kindergarten parents! Here is some updated information regarding registration for the 2024-2025 school year. You can view this information on the Houlton Elementary School site.


Registration forms may now be submitted to RSU 29 for the Upcoming School Year for all new PK and K students who will be attending RSU 29 this fall. If your child is enrolled in PK this year at Houlton Elementary and are enrolling in grade K next year, it is not necessary to complete this form. To enroll your student must be age 4 before 10/15/2024.
Go to the link below to register your new student:

Tuesday, March 12th at 7:00 p.m. will be our Night of Jazz concert featuring the Middle and High School jazz bands and Middle and High School show choirs! Admission is free. Come out and show your love for the groups before they start going to the state competitions.


Huge shout out to LASTweek's ShireFire nominations at Southside!
Friday, February 9, 2024
Aurelia Smith, Nora Cowperthwaite, Serenity Vargas, Kamden Clark, Silas Goodwin, Annalise Santana, Bentley Bates, Jacob Lilley

Due to cold temperatures and wind chills, Ski for Life is canceled for today, Friday, January 19. We will try again next Friday, January 26!!

Shoutout to this week's ShireFire nominations at Southside!
Zoe Smith
Cooper Watson
Enza Mania
Ryder Matson
Arrhyea Klinger
Aubree Connors
Eythan Moore
Davrin Izzo
Jace Nason
Jacob Lilley

All afterschool activities have been canceled for today, Tuesday, January 16th.

School Transportation Registration for SY 23-24
Parents need to Register their child for transportation IF they have changes in pick up and drop off from the last school year. Again, this is ONLY FOR CHANGES. If a student was in our system before, and no changes, you do not need to complete this form.. Please fill out this form for EACH child that has a change. Registration deadline is August 19th. If you have a specialized request, please contact your child's school of enrollment or email the Transportation Director at fred.casillas@rsu29.org. Thank you!
To report a change, go to the link below and complete the form (one for each child in your home).

We are accepting Registrations for the Fall for PK students who will be age 4 before October 15, 2023 and for new grade K students. To complete a registration, please go to the link below and complete the registration form as soon as possible. You will need to provide the school with Birth Certificate, Shot Records and proof of residence to complete the registration.

You are cordially invited to the Closing Ceremony for the JMG class of 2023.
*The ceremony will be held at the HMHS Auditorium on Wednesday, April 27th at 7:00 pm.
*Join us to hear what JMG has been up to as well as their successes and accomplishments.
*Entrance fee is by donation and will be used for future JMG classes.
*All High School JMG students will be recognized for their hard work and dedication this year.
*There will be a celebration afterwards in the HMHS cafeteria for all to attend.
Jessica Swimm
JMG Specialist
Houlton Middle High School