almost 2 years ago, Susie Crovo
IMMEDIATE OPENINGS Van Driver - 2 positions Van Monitor - 1 position These positions pay $25.00 per hour. Proper Maine DOE certification and background check required for all positions. Apply in writing to: RSU 29 Superintendents Office PO Box 190 Houlton, ME 04730 Attn: Terry Campbell terry.campbell@rsu29.org
almost 2 years ago, Terry Campbell
On Tues. April 4th at 6:00 PM we will be holding a new student Pre-K & K registration/informational meeting at Houlton Elementary School. If you have not registered your student online yet, please do so if possible before coming to the meeting. To complete registrations, you must bring your child's birth certificate, shot records and proof of residence to the meeting. Thank you! Go to the link below to register your PK or grade K student. https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSc5NsAxRBPu3y2qIZyLySmcGD2Yd7T3xTU8MZ3vlDE8eWVOTA/viewform?usp=pp_url
almost 2 years ago, Susie Crovo
about 2 years ago, Susie Crovo
RSU 29 seeking Spring and Fall Coaches Spring Coaches: Middle School: Baseball, Softball, Boys and Girls Tennis High School: JV and Varsity Baseball JV and Varsity Softball Track and Field Head Coach Track and Field Asst Coach Boys Lacrosse Girls Lacrosse Varsity Tennis Fall Coaches: Middle School: Boys Soccer Girls Soccer High School: JV and Varsity Boys Soccer JV and Varsity Girls Soccer Football Head Coach Football Asst Coach (2 positions) Cross Country Cross Country Asst. Coach Golf To apply complete a non-teaching application at www.rsu29.org and forward to: RSU 29 Superintendent's Office Attn: Terry Campbell PO Box 190 Houlton, ME 04730 terry.campbell@rsu29.org
about 2 years ago, Terry Campbell
RSU 29 seeks Varsity Football Head Coach Come join the fun!! To apply: Please forward application to: RSU 29 Superintendent's Office PO Box 190 Houlton, ME 04730 terry.campbell@rsu29.org
about 2 years ago, Terry Campbell
Substitute School Nurses Needed Considered applicants must have a current RN certificate and a current CHRC. To apply please complete an application located on the website at www.rsu29.org and forward to: RSU 29 Superintendents Office Attn: Terry Campbell PO Box 190 Houlton, ME 04730 terry.campbell@rsu29.org
about 2 years ago, Terry Campbell
On December 17, Houlton High School will be helping Evergreen Cemetery Remember and Honor our veterans by laying Remembrance wreaths on the graves of our country's fallen heroes. Please help us honor and remember as many fallen heroes as possible by sponsoring remembrance wreaths. We are getting close to reaching our goal. Please share! https://www.wreathsacrossamerica.org/pages/169734/Overview/?relatedId=169733&fbclid=IwAR27tkQnLc7cgBCFC92SHmzKceai62CakhI2IpFRcAawbG-55NfEekzOHoM
about 2 years ago, RSU 29
A Winter Storm Warning with freezing rain starting early this afternoon is present, therefore, RSU 29 Schools will be dismissed at 11:30. Additionally, there will be no afternoon PK and all after school activities are cancelled for today! Richard Lyons Superintendent, RSU 29
about 2 years ago, Susie Crovo
PowderPuff Football Game On Wednesday November 9th, the high school student council will host our first PowderPuff football game. This is a game of flag football played by girls, with boys cheering them on. The students will pay $5 to play and admission to watch will be $3. The event will be held at 3PM on the soccer field. Student's in grades 9-12 that are interested in participating can see Mrs. Quimby to sign up.
over 2 years ago, RSU 29
PowderPuff Flag Football Flyer
Maine Educational Assessments Letter https://5il.co/1ift2
over 2 years ago, RSU 29
Starting on Monday September 12th, we are moving the AM drop off location for the Southside School to the front parking lot area. This is to allow for AM recess time behind the school. Both SS and HES will have the AM drop off location in the front parking area, and a PM pick up behind the school. See attached map and note the times parents should drop off and pick up students.
over 2 years ago, RSU 29
Traffic flow
over 2 years ago, RSU 29
​Online Acceptable Use Policies. Please complete these forms for the RSU 29 Technology Department. Thank you. Grades PreK through 6: https://forms.gle/ZN9zS84W3RL7RuVv7 Grades 7 through 12: https://forms.gle/ePesgK3jyrFAwUqAA
over 2 years ago, RSU 29
RSU 29 logo
Sunday, August 14th 5pm in the HMHS auditorium will be our fall sports parent/player meeting. BOYS & GIRLS HS & MS CROSS COUNTRY BOYS & GIRLS HS & MS SOCCER GOLF FALL CHEER FOOTBALL
over 2 years ago, RSU 29
Fall Sports Parent-Player Meeting
Free Children's Books The Association's Book Giveaway has been rescheduled to Thursday, August 11th. For children of all ages and located in the park next to Cary Library 6:30 - 7:30pm. Enjoy the music of McGill's Band and receive a free children's book.
over 2 years ago, RSU 29
Houlton Middle/High School Laptop Turn-In All students must return their laptop, case, and charger to the technology department if they have not already done so. MS students should have them turned in by the end of the day today. HS students must have theirs turned in by the end of the day tomorrow.
over 2 years ago, RSU 29
Thank you Dollar for Scholars Supporters! https://5il.co/1c0xf
over 2 years ago, RSU 29
RSU 29 is Accepting ESEA Application Comments RSU 29 accepts funding through the Elementary and Secondary Act (ESEA) of 1965. As part of ESEA, RSU 29 is required to provide reasonable opportunity for public comment on the consolidated application and consider such comment prior to the submission of the application. RSU 29 is accepting public comment on the ESEA application through July 30, 2022. The application is available for review at the RSU 29 Central Office.
over 2 years ago, RSU 29